Developing Tools

some help, some really great help


This PIC program was a great help when I explored my ethernet card (a Realtek 8019AS NE-2000 compatible ISA card). nicshell realizes

by interpreting commands (byte values) received over a RS 232 connection, linking PIC and PC. The result of any command is sent back to the PC, again over the serial line. I used remote to send the commands and to receive the results.

The nicshell package at the download page and the information on the documentation page give more details on circuit layout, "PIC and PC" linking and command syntax.


My main ambition to write remote was the irrcpc project. There we discovered that establishing a communication channel (e.g. for debugging information) between a PC and a PIC via RS 232 (the serial port) isn't that expensive. What we missed was a tool for the computer to control this communcation.

remote filled this gap (serial did on windows). remote offers a GTK-based GUI and is mainly controlled with a command line. After opening a serial device, remote listens to that port and displays the received data either as hexadecimal or as binary number. Data is send out the serial port by entering the value in the command line. This Screenshot (42 KB) gives you an impression on what remote looks like.

At the beginnings, remote played a very important role for the picnic project. nicshell, for example, wouldn't work without I/O over the serial line.

The latest version of remote is available at the download page


picnic is a webserver, therefore HTML pages have to be stored somehow in the PIC. The HTML pages are coded in the files.asm file of the picnic sources. To save your own HTML page on the PIC, you have to convert the HTML page to picnic format (mainly a series of retlw PIC assembler commands). This is done by html2picnic.

html2picnic is a short program written in C, the latest version is (once more) available at the download page